History Of Sewing

History Of Sewing

The emergence and development of sewing are closely tied to the history of human civilization, and the continuous evolution of techniques paralleled the progress of cultures and societies.

Let's take a look at them in order to see how they developed over the course of history:

1. Ancient times: One of the oldest sewing techniques was to use pieces of bone or wood instead of needles. Such basic binding methods were used by primitive man to strengthen his clothes, huts or even weapons.

2. More famous ancient cultures: Sewing was also used in ancient civilizations. For example, the Chinese used sewing as early as the Shang Dynasty (between the 16th and 11th centuries BC).

3. Roman Empire: In the Roman Empire, sewing also played an important role in the textile industry. The Romans used different sewing techniques, such as the brought hem and threading.

4. Middle Ages: In the Middle Ages, sewing techniques and tools continued to develop. In this period, stitches could be finer and more decorative, and sewing itself became a separate art form.

5. Industrial revolution: As a result of the industrial revolution, the sewing industry was also transformed. Mechanization and the advent of machines enabled faster and more efficient sewing. The first sewing machines appeared in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

6. Modern age: In the 20th century, sewing became a very common household activity, many people made their own clothes. More and more advanced sewing machines and technologies appeared in the industry.

My passion for handmade working has been present in my life since childhood, and I started learning sewing 6 years ago.
In the beginning, I only made bags for myself and my family and friends, then 3 years ago my business was born to make it available to everyone.
My philosophy is to create the most special bags and accessories in limited quantities, using only premium quality materials and fabrics.
Being a nature lover, I get a lot of ideas from the landscapes of forests, fields, and mountains, but a trip and holiday often gives me inspiration too.
Nowadays, #Jucdesign handmade products are worn with pride and great satisfaction in many European countries.

Take a look at my current inventory to see if I have a special designer bag just for you!

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